
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Men of Moscow (1940)

Editorial from the September 1940 issue of the Socialist Standard

How the “Daily Worker” reported Molotov's Speech
In the main the Daily Worker gives ample space to reports of important speeches by members of the Russian Government, but on certain subjects the Daily Worker is rather sensitive, and the reports get treated accordingly. One of them is the Bolshevist-Nazi Pact. However they may attempt to excuse the Pact on grounds of power-politics the Communists cannot help feeling that it is inexcusable for those who call them Socialists and friends of the working-class to have friendly dealings with the Nazis.

Below is a report from the Manchester Guardian of Molotov’s references to Russian friendship with Hitler Germany and a “ common understanding ” with Fascist Italy.
  Germany.—The Soviet Pact with Germany was still in force, and all British efforts to weaken it had failed. The pact was not only of economic significance, he said, “but is also an assurance of German security in the East.”
  “We reiterate our opinion that the good neighbourly and friendly relations established between the Soviet and Germany are not based on fortuitous considerations of a transient nature, but on the fundamental interests of both nations.”
   Italy.—“Our relations with Italy have improved of late—an exchange of views has revealed that there is every possibility for our two countries to ensure a common understanding in foreign affairs, and also the grounds for an extension of trade relations.” — (Manchester Guardian, August 2nd.)
Another passage in Molotov’s speech was: —
  Events in Europe, far from reducing the strength of the Soviet-German non-aggression pact, on the contrary emphasised the importance of its existence and further development.—(Manchester Guardian, August 2nd.)
Now compare the above with the Daily Worker's short and uninformative version: —
  In his speech Molotov made it clear that relations with Germany were still good, and based on the interests of the two states. “There is no truth in rumours of friction.” Recently relations with Italy had improved. (Daily Worker, August 2nd.)

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