
Sunday, September 9, 2018

Obituary: Death of Comrade E. Wade (1939)

Obituary from the September 1939 issue of the Socialist Standard

We regret to announce the death of Comrade E. Wade, who belonged for 14 years to the Tottenham Branch. He died on Saturday 22nd July at the age of 70, worn out after his hard life. In his earlier years in the Party he was a sailor and preached Socialism at every port of call. At home he was one of those who always attended propaganda meetings, and was a willing helper of the Party in every way within his powers. He will be greatly missed by his Socialist Comrades.

1 comment:

  1. According to the SPGB records, Ernest Charles Wade first joined the SPGB pre 1914 (no exact date is given), resigned January 26th 1914 to go abroad (Canada), rejoined May 7th 1917 (via the old Socialist Party of Canada), lapsed again at some point (maybe to again go abroad), and rejoined the SPGB for a final time on March 6th 1925.

    From then on in, he remained a member of the SPGB until his death in 1939.

    During all his various times of membership of the SPGB, he was a member of the Tottenham branch of the SPGB.
