
Monday, August 7, 2023

The Special 300th issue of The Western Socialist

That's the the Special 300th issue of The Western Socialist now published in its entirety on the blog. An excellent issue and, for something originally published in 1974, it really hasn't dated as much as I thought it might have when I originally started scanning it in. I also have a higher opinion of Harry Morrison as a writer after reading it. I'd previously thought he was a bit too dry a writer for my tastes. I was wrong.

Hopefully this issue will eventually find its way onto the World Socialist Movement website or the World Socialist Party of the United States website but, for now, here's a list of the contents of the issue with added links.

    1. The Magic Checkbook
    2. Canned profits
    3. Incentive and initiative
    4. In the meantime
    5. The Labors of Sisyphos
    6. You must like it
    7. Who needs enemies?
    8. The Mathematics of Race
    9. Smashing Capitalism
    10. Religion
    11. The Gall of Charity
    12. What class are you?
    13. How to spot a phoney socialist
    14. International Socialism
    15. What’s a revolutionary?
    16. Brains and money
    17. Does peace justify violence?
    18. Dedication to wasted effort
    19. The supermarket
    20. Why “World” Socialists?
    21. America’s “Radical” Presidents
    22. Women’s Liberation
    23. Are we “Commies”?
    24. Urban renewal
    25. Are we Utopians?
    26. The Provocateur
    27. Impeach Capitalism
    28. Shelley
    29. Christmas
    30. Human Nature and Behavior
    31. Words, handle with care
    32. A World Without Money
    33. Is food produced to eat?
    34. Togetherness
    35. To market, to market
    36. The profits of addiction
    37. Who’s on welfare?
    38. The blind spot

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