
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Party Notes. (1906)

Party News from the October 1906 issue of the Socialist Standard

The Party Outing, at Watford, on Sept. 9th, was a great success ; so also was the meeting, held in the evening, in the Market Place.


Several members of the Islington Branch having been expelled, the branch is being reorganised, and any person living in the Islington district who is prepared to accept our Declaration of Principles is invited to communicate with C. H. Wilcox, 25, Mountgrove-road, Highbury, N.


A fresh supply of Party Emblems has been obtained, and can be procured by members from their Branch Secretaries.


No. 2., of the “S.P.G.B. Library,” “From Handicraft to Capitalism,” is selling well. Branches should push this at all their meetings.


The Delegate Meeting will be held at the Communist Club, on Saturday, Oct. 27th., at 4.0 p.m. Branches should see that they are represented by their full quota of delegates.


Our Comrades at Battersea and Tooting are contesting the local elections in their respective districts. The Election Address on which the candidates will run is a fitting answer to those alleged Socialists who say that we must adopt a palliative programme when we contest municipal elections.


To-morrow (Sunday, Oct. 7th) a debate will take place, in Finsbury-Park, at 3.30 p.m., between Mr. .J. Davis (Liberal) and A. Anderson (S.P.G.B.) Meetings every Sunday at 3 p.m.


On Friday, Oct. 26th, at 8 p.m., the Peckham Branch will commence a series of meetings in the Public Hall, Rye-Lane.

On that evening J. Kent will speak on “The S.P.G.B. and Municipal Elections.”


Open-air meetings will be held during October at the usual stations if the weather permits.


During October the following meetings will be held in Manchester :—Sundays, 11.30, corner of Tib-street and Piccadilly; 7.30, Trafford Broadway ; Mondays, 8.15, corner of Russell-st. and Stretford-rd.; Tuesdays, 8.15, corner of Liverpool-st. and Trafford Bridge-rd.; Wednesdays, 8.15, corner of Medlock-street and Trafford-road ; corner of Russel-street and Fridays, 8.15., Trafford-Road.


Battersea branch will run a special series of out-door meetings this month. Every Tuesday and Friday evening at Prince’s Head ; every Wednesday evening at Battersea Square ; every Thursday evening at Plough Road. T. W. Allen, J. Fitzgerald, T. A. Jackson, J. Crump, F. E. Dawkins, H. Newman, and our municipal candidates will be among the speakers.


Tooting also will hold meetings in The Broadway every Sunday. Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday evening to advance the course of their municipal candidates.
W. G.

Blogger's Notes:
Gilbert McClatchie ('Gilmac'), who was not a member of the SPGB in 1906, (he joined in 1910) wrote a historical article in the August 1954 issue of Socialist Standard on the 'Islington Dispute' mentioned above in the Party Notes. It mentions at the bottom of that 1954 article that the article was "to be continued". It wasn't.

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