
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Some publications. (1906)

From the October 1906 issue of the Socialist Standard

We have received the second of the two sixpenny parts in which Messrs. Watts are issuing Professor Haeckel’s “The Evolution of Man.” This is an even more remarkably cheap production than the first, as it covers 192 pages, contains 199 illustrations, and is furnished with an index and a new portrait of the author. The two parts can now be obtained in one well-bound cloth volume at 2/- net.

Also in “Cheap Reprint” form, Thomas Paine’s “Rights of Man,” edited by Mrs. H. Bradlaugh Bonner, and “Religions Persecution : A Study in Political Psychology,” by E. S. P.

Messrs. Watts & Co.. the publishers, inform us they are issuing in the same form “The New Scientific System of Morality,” by G. Gore. F.R.S., and “The Cultivation of Man,” by C. A. Witchell.

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