Saturday, June 29, 2024

Death of Comrade Bremner (1939)

Obituary from the June 1939 issue of the Socialist Standard

We are exceedingly sorry to have to announce the death of Comrade Herbert (Jock) Bremner, of Leyton Branch, who died at Woodford Sanatorium on May 6th, 1939.

Our late comrade was for many years a strenuous worker for the cause and only ceased his activities when illness made it impossible for him to continue.

His death in his early thirties came about as a result of having contracted T.B. following an attack of asthma.

He had a lively disposition and was a cheerful and agreeable comrade; he will be greatly missed.

His interest in the Party was maintained to the day of his death.

Members of the Leyton Branch attended his interment at Chingford Cemetery.

We desire to extend our sympathy to his family in their sad bereavement.

1 comment:

Imposs1904 said...

Jock Bremner had joined the SPGB in November 1931. He'd previously been a member of the Labour Party.