Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Obituary: Ernest Guy (1987)

Obituary from the June 1987 issue of the Socialist Standard

It is with regret that we report the death of Comrade Ernest Guy at the age of 81

Ernie was a member of the Party for 54 years, having joined Southwark Branch in 1933. When he moved to Bellingham he transferred to Lewisham Branch then to Central Branch.

He was always an active member of his Branch and in the days of the local outdoor meetings would be found selling literature while his son Ray, also a Party Member, was speaking on the platform.

Included in his activities was membership of the Executive Committee over a long period, only ceasing to accept further nomination when he was 70 years of age.

He worked in the printing industry as a proof reader and the Party benefited from his expertise in this field. He did the proof reading for the Socialist Standard for a number of years and also worked for the Pamphlets Committee.

Although less active in his later years. Ernie maintained a keen interest in Party work especially in the new printing facilities at Head Office.

He was a comrade who did his share, and more, to spread the ideas of socialism.

We extend our sympathy to his wife Ethel, a familiar face at Conferences and meetings, and to his sons.
Grace Wood

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