Thursday, June 13, 2024

SPGB Meetings. (1931)

Party News from the June 1931 issue of the Socialist Standard

Blogger's Note:
There is a report of the debate with the New Party in the July 1931 issue of the Socialist Standard. The SPGB representative in the debate was Edgar Hardcastle ('E. Hardy'). The representative for the New Party was Stuart Barr. 

According to the historian Matthew Worley in his book, Oswald Mosley and the New Party, before joining the New Party, James Stuart Barr was an active member of the ILP and was one of a number of members of that organisation who went with Mosley when the latter resigned from the Labour Party to form the New Party. Barr was the New Party's parliamentary candidate in Gateshead at the 1931 General Election, receiving 1.86% of the vote. (Ernest Bevin was the losing Labour Party candidate in that election.)

There is no mention in Worley's book of whether or not Barr followed Mosley down the fascist route into the British Union of Fascists.

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