Just a wee bulletin to mention that the June 2006 Socialist Standard is online. People who would like to read it in all its glory as a colourful pdf can click on the following link:
Socialist Standard June 2006People who might just want to check out individual articles and book reviews can also click on the links listed below.
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The World Cup and Workerism Blog
June 2006 Socialist Standard
Editorial - They Call It Sport, M'lud
World Cup 2006 Fever
The regular science column in the Socialist Standard. This month's articles are about how some people will seek to swap the real world for a virtual one.
The British National Party Advances - What Does It Mean?
The BNP gained seats in the May local elections because it put together a better package of lies than the mainstream parties.
Exporting Crime
The witch hunt against ex-prisoners from abroad shows that xenophobia is now more than ever official policy.
Cooking the Books
Regular economics column in the Socialist Standard carries articles on Capitalist Ideals & Towards an Economic Crash?

'Prejudice and Equality'
The Equality Act, which came into force earlier this year, covers discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender, disability and race. Yet it illustrates the point that government legislation cannot in itself change people's attitudes.
Japan: A Woman for Emperor?
No male heir born in 40 years sparks a debate about bringing "gender equality" to the Japanese monarchy. What is the role of the Japanese monarchy? Would a female monarch be a step forward?
JK Galbraith: a Radical Keynesian
An economist who remained loyal to the end to the discredited view that
government intervention can make capitalism work in the interest of the
Book Reviews
Graham Harvey: We Want Real Food/Steven Poole: Unspeak/Hyashi Hiroyoshi: Marx's Labor Theory of Value. A Defense/Stephen Ingle: The Social and Political Thought of George Orwell: A reassessment.
Modern Times
Exhibition Review of Modernism 1914-1939: Designing a New World, Victoria & Albert Museum.
50 Years Ago
The Mosley Movement Today: British Fascism's New Look
Greasy Pole - Panic Aboard SS New Labour
Regular monthly column in the Socialist Standard that looks at current British politics from a historical angle. This month's article, looking at the increasing specualtion surrounding Tony Blair and how he might step down as Prime Minister before his full third term of office is completed, writes of how a a strategically timed withdrawal from government need not ruin a political career.
Voice From The Back
An irreverent look at the insanity, greed, barbarity and hypocrisy of capitalism.