Thursday, August 3, 2023

Manufacturing consent (1977)

From the August 1977 issue of the Socialist Standard
In his capture of the mind by our industrial autocracy as the means to economic and social subjugation, the most powerful instrument of all is the modern industrialized Press. Through it our economic Prussianism can control the nation’s mind, form its opinions, direct its passions, determine its judgements.
Sir Allen Lane, The Press and The Organization of Society, (1933)

Industrial and commercial interests influence broadcasting and television. With the intensive study of psychology, propaganda and advertising, it may become increasingly possible for a few who can afford to spend heavily on controlling the means of communication to condition the minds of the rest.
Michael Stewart (Later British Foreign Secretary), Modern Forms of Government, (1959)

1 comment:

Imposs1904 said...

These two comments were at the bottom of the page of the Socialist Party of Gt. Britain’s statement to the Annan Committee article. I guess they could be considered part of that article but I thought I'd give them their moment in the sun.

Fun fact! - as my youngest son would say - a young Michael Stewart debated the SPGB in 1933 at Poplar Town Hall. He was obviously debating on behalf of the Labour Party. George Bellingham spoke on behalf of the SPGB. There was a report of the meeting in the March 1933 issue of the Socialist Standard.

. . . I guess I'll have to scan in that 1933 report now. Damn you, Jerumble Cromblins!