Friday, December 8, 2023

Party News Briefs (1954)

Party News from the December 1954 issue of the Socialist Standard

The Autumn Delegate Meeting, held this year at Denison House, was, if uneventful, quite successful although the delegation was not as well attended as usual. The only Provincial Branches present were Manchester and Swansea.

The Social held on the Saturday at Head Office after the first day’s business was over, was a very happy one, the decorations were particularly attractive, mainly the work of members of South West London Branch.

“The Socialist Standard” sales are not as we would wish, despite the fact that members in several branches, Ealing and West Ham in particular, are making great efforts in their own districts. The subscription form in this issue is a reminder that members and sympathisers can ensure a regular copy of the Standard each month and the Literature Committee, would be happy to cope with the additional work of a record number of subscriptions ! If each reader can get an additional subscriber, it would be a good start for increased sales in the New Year.

Glasgow (City and Kelvingrove Branches) are continuing with success, their weekly indoor lectures, but 19th December is a special occasion, when they are arranging a debate with a representative from the Scottish National Congress. There will not be a meeting on January 1st as it is anticipated that the attendance would be poor owing to the fact that it is a Scottish holiday.

Treetops (Surrey) was the venue for another happy and successful week-end for a small group of Party Members. Several discussions and arguments took place between members and those of the International Friendship League—who claimed to be “non-political.” Members had excellent opportunities of putting forward the Party’s case to a gathering which represented 18 nations, including some from Yugo-Slavia who thought they had Socialism “ a la Tito.” More propaganda among such people should be done.

South-West London Brunch would like to draw the attention of members to the series of Sunday evening lectures being held at Head Office throughout the winter months. Several interesting topics will be dealt with and it is hoped that more members will bring along their friends to these lectures and so get them interested in the Socialist case.
Phyllis Howard

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