Apologies. Been a bit slack lately with posting details of the Socialist Standard on the blog. Details of the August and September issues are listed below. That brings me up to date just in time for me being late posting details of the October issue.
September 2007 Socialist Standard
Competition Rules?
Regular Columns
Pathfinders Earth Version Two
Cooking the Books 1 Turmoil At The Stock Exchange
Cooking the Books 2 How To Undermine Socialism
Greasy Pole Like Father, Like Son
50 Years Ago You and the Rent Act
Main Articles
Who Controls the World: the Illuminati or the Market? Why do some people think the world is run by a shadowy group called the Illuminati? Who were they?
Can Capitalism ever be Green? Yes, say a new school of green economists. No, say socialists.
One-party rule in Japan at an end? Politics in Japan has reached a turning point—or a dead end—with the crushing defeat of the Liberal Democratic Party in the upper-house election on 9 July
The Scramble for the Arctic On August 3, the oceanographer and polar explorer Artur Chilingarov declared that "The Arctic is Russian."
Too Much Hot air Since the 1997 Kyoto Protocol little substantial has been done to address the the problem of climate change.
The Single Issue The futility of the ever-increasing single issue campaigns is clear for all to see. Could it be because they are being reactive rather than proactive?
Letters & Book Reviews
Letters to the Editors 'Socialist MPs'
Book Reviews: 'Why We Hate Politics' by Colin Hay; 'Pirates of the Caribbean – Axis of Hope' by Tariq Ali; 'The Anarchist Geographer: An Introduction to the Life of Peter Kropotkin' by Brian Morris
Voice From The Back
Outdated Marxism?; Loads of Money; USA: Worked To Death; Same The World Over ; Homeless Heroes; Illusion and Reality
Regular Columns
Main Articles
Letters & Book Reviews
Voice From The Back

August 2007 Socialist Standard
World Without Borders
Regular Columns
Pathfinders Conspiracy of Dunces
Cooking the Books 1 Brown Means Business
Cooking the Books 2 Strictly For The Birds
Greasy Pole Goldsmith Gives Up
50 Years Ago Mr Hutchinson Investigates
Main Articles
Borders Crossed Does immigration cause working-class problems, or is it rather that capitalism needs immigration?
"Old McDonald's had a brand..." The world's biggest fast-food chain trains customers in its own image – but we don't have to be part of its assembly line.
The Perils of Moralism Pharmaceutical companies' promotion of baby formula in the Philippines.
The right to be homeless "A homeless man who argued that begging is a form of free speech has won his case" (Scotsman, 1 June).
Free Access To Services Apart from material things, socialism will bring many intangible benefits that capitalism denies us.
Smile, smile smile! But why?
It's the system! To many the socialist criticism of the capitalist system may seem like a crude act of oversimplification, if not a type of scapegoating.
Letters & Book Reviews
Letters to the Editors 'Some Defining Features of Socialism'
Book Reviews What's In Your Shopping Trolley? by Andrew Simms; Six Degrees. Our Future on a Hotter Planet by Mark Lynas; We won't pay! by Gary Mulcahy
Voice From The Back
The Filthy Rich; Wealthy Get Wealthier; Biblical Weather Forecasting; The Failure of Reformism ; The Church Goes Commercial; Big Brother Is Watching You; Charity As A Symbol Status
Regular Columns
Main Articles
Letters & Book Reviews
Voice From The Back

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