Saturday, July 15, 2023

Editorial (1986)

Editorial from issue 1 of the World Socialist Review

To Our Readers,

In your hands is the first issue of the World Socialist Review.

The articles that appear in this journal have been written by members of the World Socialist Movement. Not all of the articles that appear, or that will be appearing in future issues, will be finely phrased. But, what we lack in refinement of style we shall make good by our deep sincerity and by the correctness and truthfulness of our principles.

We shall for the present, content ourselves with issuing the World Socialist Review four times a year. This could, however, change. We will notify our readers if we increase or decrease the number of issues we plan to put out each.year.

We do regret to inform our readers that if they want subscriptions, they will have to pay a slightly higher price of 30c per issue. We deeply regret this, but the high price of postage forces us to charge more to defray the cost of sending each issue to your home.

Finally, let us state that we would very much like to hear from you. We shall be pleased to consider any articles submitted to us for publication in this journal. However, please do not be disappointed if what you submit does not appear or if it gets slightly edited. We have a very hard job of deciding what is to appear and what is not to appear. Also, because this journal is an official voice of the WSP, all articles do have to represent the platform of the WSP. Hence, the need for editing. We also would like to encourage our readers to send us suggestions on how to improve our journal, to voice their criticisms of the journal or any of its articles, to comment on something they liked and to ask questions about the World Socialist Party and its principles.
Rich Foland

1 comment:

Imposs1904 said...

What can one say?

"We shall for the present, content ourselves with issuing the World Socialist Review four times a year."

Sadly, a tad optimistic.