Tuesday, September 3, 2024

To All Readers (1977)

From the September 1977 issue of the Socialist Standard

Last month we notified readers that from September the price of the Socialist Standard will be 15p. Following this, the yearly subscription rates have to be raised to £2.50 for the Socialist Standard (12 issues) and £3.25 for a joint subscription covering 4 issues of the Western Socialist as well. The figures include postage and packing.

The explanation of these increases is as follows. While trying to hold down the price, for the past two or three years the loss on the Socialist Standard has been about £2,700 a year, which has to be met from the funds of the SPGB. Two months ago printing costs went up 10 per cent. Each copy costs us 11p or 12p, depending on the numbers printed. Supplies to newsagents and other distributors have to be at an appreciable discount, and a number are sent free to public libraries.

The present subscription rate includes 7p postage, which means that subscribers receive their copies for 8p—2p below the normal retail price, and up to 4p below the cost to us. We do not think we need to labour the point that it is impossible for the Party to go on supporting losses at this rate; funds are wanted for elections, the publication of pamphlets, and our many other activities.

The new rates are still below the full price. At a retail price of 15p we can cover costs. However, we would also point out to members and supporters that the more Socialist Standards are sold, the larger the print order and the lower the cost per copy. Raising the circulation is a practical way of helping.

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