Tuesday, October 3, 2023

50 Years Ago: The Way of Peace (1972)

The 50 Years Ago column from the October 1972 issue of the Socialist Standard

It may be useful to remember that during the great war of 1914-1918, the workers who were drawn into that bloody orgie wanted nothing more than to be allowed to remain in their native land, and to be provided with a constant means of obtaining a living by the sale of their labour power to the master-class. That is the high watermark of their intelligence, which socialists so much deplore; but to say nations are torn with suspicions of each other, or secretly preparing war-like plans of self-aggrandisement, etc., is a travesty of facts, or the result of lamentable ignorance. It is not the nations, but the greedy capitalist class whose sectional interests compel them to regard each other suspiciously and who are secretly preparing to commit another terrible crime against humanity. The great mass of the world’s workers know nothing of these plans, and instead of suspicion there is an ever-growing sympathy springing up between them : a sympathy born of the knowledge that there is only one enemy they have to face the wide world over :—the capitalist class who alone are responsible for the present economic chaos, and the sum of human misery and suffering entailed thereby.

(From an article "The Way of Peace" by W. W. F. in the Socialist Standard October 1922).

1 comment:

Imposs1904 said...

Yep, it's spelt 'orgie' in the original 1922 article. Was it a typo. Not sure.

I've wrestled with it, but I'm still convinced that 'W.W.F.' was Walter Ford.