Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Red Snapper: Sound bites and unsound nibbles (2005)

The Red Snapper column from the March 2005 issue of the Socialist Standard

Sound bites and unsound nibbles

"We're not flying over frigging Iran."  
U.S. military official on the practice of sending U.S. military aircraft into Iranian air space to test its defences and spot potential targets. Guardian, Jan 29th.

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"As a general rule the more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self defence." 
From the new Government’s new guidelines about the self-defence and the defence of property. Daily Telegraph, Feb. 2nd.

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"I think Japanese nationals would welcome a female monarch in the present era." 
- Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on the proposal to allow female succcession to the Japanese throne. BBC News Online, Jan 25th

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"We have had people sent here who I would not trust at all. I have discovered that the Americans have made no checks on these men. Do you wonder why police stations and army barracks get blown up?"  
-An Iraqi police colonel on the recruitment of defence forces in Iraq. The Independent, Feb 14th.

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"Disaster is too polite a word".
- David Isenberg, an analyst at the British and American Security Council, on the US's efforts to train Iraqi forces. The Independent, Feb 14th.

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"You raise your voice. I raise mine. Some of you throw a bit of crockery."
- Tony [Blair] on his marital spats with the electorate, all media, Sunday February 13

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"When you're Secretary of State for Transport you don't tend to get inundated with gifts.”
Alistair Darling, S of S for T, in response to audience question on ministers having to declare any gift over £250 in Register of Members' Interests. Any Questions, BBC Radio 4, Sat, February 5.

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