Tuesday, September 11, 2018

New Premises. (1935)

Party News from the July 1935 issue of the Socialist Standard

Appeal for Funds—£300 Wanted.

The special meeting held on June 15th, to consider the question of obtaining new and larger premises to meet the growing needs of the Party dealt with the question of raising funds to cover the increased initial outlay. It was decided to appeal to members and sympathisers for £300, which is the amount estimated to be required as a minimum.

Those who have watched the expansion of Party work in recent years and the hampering effect of restricted accommodation will understand what an advantage it will be to get into larger premises. In time, as our membership and activities grow, the extra cost will not be unduly burdensome, but at the outset we shall have difficulty in making ends meet out of ordinary funds. If the response to our appeal is satisfactory we shall be able to get over this difficulty and obtain a Head Office which will be adequate for several years. Our future plans are consequently dependent on the amount of donations and the promptness with which they are sent in.

Please forward donations to Treasurer (Premises Fund), 42, Great Dover Street, S.E.I.

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