Tuesday, December 5, 2023

November's "Done & Dusted"

Not as late as last month . . . there is that, I guess

Cue cut and paste . . . 

What is now a regular feature on the blog . . . okay, you've already read this bit before so I'll scrub the rest of this paragraph. (Note to self: come up with some new schtick for next month's "Done & Dusted".)

Here's a list of the Socialist Standards that were completed on the blog in the month of November 2023. Slowly but surely the digitization of the Standard is *cough* nearing completion. If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say it will be finished by the end of 2024  2029. Famous last words, and all that. 

They are broken up into separate decades for the hard of hearing.

November's "Done & Dusted"

I need to set aside some time for posting some more Standards from the Edwardian era on the blog. Not sure why I'm hanging back. Maybe there's only so many poison pen letters to John Burns and Will Thorne that I can take in a six-month period. 

Will I smash through 2000 posts for 2023? It's looking unlikely at this point. Maybe I'll stumble across a batch of ProPlus in a local pharmacy and go on a four-day blogging frenzy. Stranger things have happened.

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