Sunday, June 28, 2020

50 Years Ago: The Communist Party and the Churchill Government (1990)

The 50 Years Ago column from the June 1990 issue of the Socialist Standard

The Communist Party is annoyed about the new Government. They do not like the Government led by Mr. Churchill, which includes Mr Attlee and other Labour leaders, along with Sir Archibald Sinclair and other Liberals. The Daily Worker of March 10th, 1940, says in its editorial: "The Daily Herald thunders against Chamberlain, but it is silent about Churchill. What a man to take under the wing of the Labour Party!"

The next day (May 11th, 1940) the Daily Worker had another fierce article against the National Government, under a headline "Fight against Labour participation in Churchill's new War Government".

It was not always so. Only last year the Daily Worker was campaigning for a Popular Front Government and urging that the men of its choice should get together and form an all-party Government in order to carry out an active policy of "collective action against new aggression and threats of aggression from Nazi Germany".

And who were the men of the Communist Party's choice? None other than Mr. Churchill. Mr. Attlee and Sir A. Sinclair! The front page of the Daily Worker (March 30th, 1939) carried in bold headlines: COMMUNIST APPEAL TO ATTLEE. SINCLAIR AND CHURCHILL—URGED TO DEFEAT CABINET AND FORM NEW GOVERNMENT.

[From Socialist Standard, June 1940]

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