Sunday, May 7, 2017

Obituary: The Passing of Comrade S. Auty (1929)

Obituary from the May 1929 issue of the Socialist Standard

An Active Worker for Socialism
We regret to announce the death of Comrade S. Auty, of Tottenham, on March 23rd, at the age of 46. He had been ill over a period of many years, but his untiring work for Socialism brought the end much closer than if he had been able to seek rest and attention in time. He was one of the very early members of the Party, having joined in 1904.

He was many years on the Executive and, in spite of poor health, was evident at most of the propaganda meetings in an active capacity. Comrades of the old Edmonton Branch, of which Auty was Secretary, knew him as one of the most earnest and devoted members the Party ever had.

Comrade Lake represented the Party at the funeral, and paid a tribute to his life and work.

Our sincere sympathy is offered to his wife and family in the loss of such a sterling comrade.

1 comment:

Imposs1904 said...

Sidney Auty was not a founder member of the SPGB, but he did join November 11th, 1904.