Friday, April 17, 2020

Racket Led Geo. Heath to His Death (1945)

From the April 1945 issue of the Socialist Standard

Much has been written regarding the murder of Geo. Heath, the private-hire car driver, in the famous "cleft-chin’’ case. Ernest Bevin pointed out that in the case of the girl Marina Jones, the trouble “started with the dole."

Now we are told that Heath regularly made £120 a week. He used to "contact parties in the clubs in the West End, and take them out to various road houses in the Maidenhead area. . . . George had a very good business picking up people at Ascot, bringing them to town and taking them back.” (Evening Standard, January 25th.)

This means that Geo. Heath secured about £20 per trip to Ascot or Maidenhead.

This .tallies with the report in the People (February 12th) that 300 taxis were chartered on the 11th at £10 a cab for the return journey from London to Windsor for the races. Evidently some people have money to burn in spite of taxes!

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