Saturday, March 6, 2021

Party Funds. (1939)

Party News from the March 1939 issue of the Socialist Standard


Last August an urgent appeal was made to every member and sympathiser to help reduce a debt of £125. The hope was expressed that the Party’s financial position would be in a sound state by Christmas.

The statement of the Party’s financial position in January’s “S.S.” revealed that the hope was well founded, because by the end of 1938, the income had considerably exceeded expectations.

I understand from the Treasurer that a good start has been made for 1939, and there seems reason to expect that progress will be maintained.

It seems almost certain that a General Election will not be delayed beyond Autumn of this year. Therefore, I want to urge all members to make every possible effort to strengthen the Parliamentary and General Funds.

We must not rest content with past achievements, because there is a steady drain on the Parliamentary Fund as a result of pre-election propaganda expenses. Whilst it is important to maintain the drive for donations, it is more important to increase literature sales and organise collections at meetings.

The Finance Committee is with me in this appeal to members, and it is our optimistic belief that every, comrade will co-operate.
H. G. Holt,
February, 1939. Party Funds Organiser.

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