Wednesday, May 26, 2021

50 Years Ago: May Day and War (1987)

The 50 Years Ago column from the May 1987 issue of the Socialist Standard

It Is good that workers are prepared to demonstrate their international solidarity, but it should be a demonstration of real and understanding solidarity. Not mere words and emotion that, like a weathercock, can be changed with every wind. Lack of real understanding of the workers' unchanging wage-slavery while capitalism lasts, in spite of huge May Day demonstrations, enabled the opposing capitalist rulers to line up the workers against each other in the devastating ’war of twenty years ago. Lately the signs of another world war have made their ominous appearance with the beginning of an armaments race, It is an urgent matter that workers should reflect calmly and not allow plausible argument to manoeuvre them into the shambles again.

[From the Socialist Standard, May 1937.]

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