Wednesday, July 27, 2022

June's "Done & Dusted"

A new feature on the blog . . . and like all new features on the blog, one that I should have put in place about 10 years ago. (It's the same with the Pages that I'm slowly introducing to the top of the blog's homepage).

It's perfectly simple. Here's a list of the Socialist Standards that were completed on the blog in the month of June 2022. Slowly but surely the digitization of the Standard is *cough* nearing completion. If I'd hazard a guess, I'd say it will be finished by the end of 2024. Famous last words, and all that. 

They are broken up into decades for the hard of hearing.

Note to self: Maybe try and throw in some completed Standards from the 1930s in the coming months. It was a good decade for the Standard, and it's sorely under-represented on the blog.

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