Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Another Anti-War Committee (1948)

From the December 1948 issue of the Socialist Standard

Why the S.P.G.B. will not join in
We received an invitation from the London Division of the I.L.P. in which they ask if the S.P.G.B. “will agree to a working committee together with ourselves, the Common Wealth Party, Peace Pledge Union, Anarchist Federation and/or any other body with the exception of the Communist Party, that is interested in an anti-war campaign.”

The purpose of the Committee, as set out in the letter of invitation, is “to cover the present drift towards a Third World War and, if possible, to put forward suggestions that we may have in common for future activities.”

The invitation was declined, the I.L.P. being informed by the Executive Committee of the S.P.G.B. that we are not prepared to ally ourselves with our political opponents for any purpose.

This attitude will not be understood by the well-meaning people who are forming the committee and therefore it merits some explanation.

We accept the view that the world is drifting towards another war—though to be more precise it is not enough to speak of a drift; rather it should be said that certain factors are at work actively promoting international conflict. What are these factors? They are the ceaseless efforts made by all the countries (including, of course, those ruled by Labour Party Governments and Communist Party Governments) to capture foreign markets for their exports, to control trade routes and strategic points, and to acquire or hold territories rich in raw materials.

The only way to remove the cause of war is to remove capitalism, and the only method is for a working class won over to Socialism, democratically to gain control of the machinery of government for the purpose of establishing Socialism. In relation to this object the setting up of Anti-War Committees while leaving capitalism intact is a sheer irrelevance, futile because it cannot abolish war and dangerous because of the illusions it fosters.

Where do the various organisations stand that are to set up this Anti-War Committee? The I.L.P. and Common Wealth have a record of activity, not of seeking to abolish capitalism and establish Socialism, but of supporting reforms of capitalism and of propagating the false notion that nationalisation or State Capitalism is Socialism or is a means to achieve Socialism.

The Peace Pledge Union has members in all the non-Socialist parties and is not concerned as such with abolishing capitalism which is the cause of war.

The Anarchist Federation adds its quota of confusion by denying the need for the control of the machinery of Government and by pretending that the failure of Labour and Communist State Capitalism is a failure of Socialism.

In these circumstances to talk of forming a joint committee based on what the S.P.G.B. has “in common” with these other bodies is an absurdity. The S.P.G.B. unites with Socialists to achieve Socialism but will not help to perpetuate the error that sham unity with the opponents of Socialism, however well-meaning they may be, will help the working-class or the Socialist movement.

When we come to examine the proposed committee in detail the truth of what is said above will be apparent. The Committee is to unite all parties that “are interested in an anti-war campaign “—with one exception, the Communist Party. But the Communist Party, in between supporting various wars, is more interested than any organisation in running anti-war campaigns. It is one of their most fruitful methods of tricking the working class into serving as tools for Russian Government policy. Indeed, they are running such a campaign now (simultaneously with supporting various wars, as in China and Palestine), and among the speakers at the Anti-War Rally that they organised in Trafalgar Square on Sunday, 14th November, was at least one prominent member of the Peace Pledge Union, Miss Sybil Morrison. (See Daily Worker, 11/11/48.) So the Anti-War Committee is to include the P.P.U. and exclude the Communists, while a P.P.U. speaker associates with the excluded Communist Party! The new United Committee has demonstrated its lack of unity before it even held its first meeting. It will end like the scores of earlier attempts on the same lines— they flourish in peace and disintegrate when war comes.
Ed. Comm.

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