Friday, December 27, 2024

Obituary: Eric Boden (1975)

Obituary from the April 1975 issue of the Socialist Standard

We regret to report the death in December last of Eric Boden. He joined the Party in 1912, and was already writing for the Socialist Standard before the first world war.

With some interruptions he continued to write until he dropped out of the Party in 1953, though his interest in Party work remained. At one period he went to East Africa and was conscripted to the army there. Old members will remember the articles he wrote about developments in East Africa, and he contributed many other valuable articles.

He became the branch secretary of our former Sheffield Branch, and at another time was a member of the Watford Branch. He spoke on the Party platform in Sheffield and Doncaster, and occasionally attended Conference as a delegate. His wife also was a Party member. Boden was a persuasive and knowledgeable speaker, and wherever he went he devoted himself to making the Socialist case known.


Imposs1904 said...

Originally, this obituary was kind of buried on the blog, and as he was a significant writer for the Standard for many, many years, Boden's obituary deserves its own post.

Imposs1904 said...

I believe Boden's wife was Dorothy Nellie Chelton. She joined the Stoke Newington Branch of the SPGB in June 1916, resigning in August 1953. (Giving as her reason "no point"). She actually left the Party 16 months after Boden himself.